Afza Mohit Company

Address: Apt# 6, No.4, Golshahr  Blvd., Nelsonmandela Ave., Tehran, Iran

Tel:   +98 21 22016776-22016877 , Fax:  +98 21 22057394

Email:  amc.co@jamejam.net , Website: www.afzamohitco.com


AMC was founded in 1999 .AMC is enjoying the cooperation of experts and university faculty members and also different national and international companies active in the field of environment and energy such as Harrison Group Environmental, ENECO, INES CO.

Technical Activities: consulting, design, implementation, management, analysis and control of various environmental projects

This company possesses experts in various fields of environment and energy, capable of consulting, design, implementation, management, analysis and control of various environmental projects. The main areas of the company activities can be cited as follows:

  • Air pollution
  • Noise pollution
  • Water and Wastewater
  • Solid waste
  • Marine environment and ocean
  • Remote Sensing
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Environmental management systems such as ISO, Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), Integrated Environmental Management
  • Energy modeling optimized production systems
  • Energy Recovery
  • Energy audit
  • Feasibility, design and construction of renewable energy systems, especially solar energy, wind and biogas systems

Mathematical modeling for various environmental emissions including air, noise and…

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