BANASHARIF: Electric Vehicles Development Group

Address: 2nd Floor, No. 42, Babi Sands st., Nofeloshato st., Ferdosi st., Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1131696717

Tel: +98 (21) 66756973 , +98 (21) 66756974 , Fax: +98 (21) 66756975

Website: www.Banasharif.com , Email: Info@Banasharif.com


Banasharif is a knowledge-based company for the research and development of electric vehicles. This company is formed as a joint venture of JAHANRO Industrial Group (which is known as a major motorcycle manufacturing company in IRAN) and Sharif University of Technology; and began its activities in January 2015 having researchers from the country’s top universities.The Company’s main activities are classified into three categories:

  • Design and manufacture of electric vehicles including electric cars, motorcycles and bikes.
  • Design, development and manufacture of electrical systems being used in electric vehicles including battery management systems, battery pack, charger, controller, electric motor and etc.
  • Provide technical services to customers of electric vehicles.

The Company’s activities in these three fields have led to providing both knowledge and products during recent years. DC/DC convertor, lithium battery pack, battery management system for managing and protecting the battery pack, ECU, electrical boxes in different sizes and an electric motorcycle (E-RUN) are the products which are designed and manufactured in Banasharif Company. E-RUN is the first electric motorcycle which is designed and manufactured in Iran and is aimed to sell this motorcycle in domestic and foreign markets

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