Novin Teyf Continuous Air Monitoring System (NTCAM):

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Tel/fax: 02188261290, 02186016967,09123831751

www.novinteyf.ir         info@novinteyf.ir

Ability : Continuous Air Monitoring system

Continuous Air Monitoring system (NTCAM), which designed and manufactured by Novin Teyf Ltd., could be used in nuclear facilities for a continuous monitoring and control of atmospheric air contamination by dust exposed to both artificial alpha and beta radionuclide’s and natural Radon and Thoron radioactivity. Indeed, it can measure dust and ambient gamma radiation, for identifying the type of gamma contamination. NTCAM is specified to control system both by local software and online monitoring software. Also, all of the system measurements are real-time and if contamination becomes larger than alarm level, which defines by the customer, it could notice the responsible persons.

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