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Green Biotech Inc.


E-mail: greenbiotech.co.com@gmail.com

Mobile: +98 (0) 930-5892737, Tel: +98-21-88972600, Fax: +98-21-88972547

Ability : biofertilizer

Green Biotech Inc., established in 2002, is the sole producer of biofertilizers branded as Barvar bio-fertilizers, all environmentally safe and entirely natural products that replace nitrogen, phosphate or potassium chemical fertilizers for 50 percent or more. Similarly, Rouien biocontrol agents replace the corresponding chemical fungicides or pesticides very well.  While they are less expensive than the chemical ones, they improve the quantity and quality of the yield as well:AzotoBarvar-1 composed of free-living nitrogen fixing bacterium that converts atmospheric nitrogen to ammonium by the use of an efficient nitrogenize enzyme.PhosphoBarvar-2 a unique formulation of two strains of phosphate solubilizing bacteria producing organic acids and robust acid phosphatase enzymes that work together in synergism to release phosphate from both organic and inorganic compounds deposited largely in soil.PotaBarvar-2 Composed of two efficient K solubilizing bacteria that release K+ ion from many types of its compounds in soil.SulfoBarvar-1 composed of two strains of Thiobacillus bacteria that convert molecular sulfur to sulfate ion helping its absorption by plants and reducing pH in alkaline soils.Rouien-1 Bio-fungicide contains Bacillus subtilis strain BS106 which produces iturin A. This glycolipid substance causes permeability of the fungal cell membrane leading to cell lysis and fungus death.Rouien-2 Bio-pesticide contains Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) strain AzLp which produces spores and toxin crystals against lepidopteran larvae. This protein activates apoptosis in epithelial cells of intestine leading to larvae death.  Green Biotech owns several patents and holds many certificates, standards and import licences from various countries such as CE, KRAV (organic), ISO9001, ISO140001, ISO26000 and ISO17025.

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