AriaFanVarzan co.,ltd( AFV)

Address: No,9 Ayazi St, Khoramshahr St, Tehran, Iran.

Tel: +982188503633

Web: www.ariafan.com

Email : plasma@ariafan.com

About us:

AFV Plamsa Division is specialist team in the field of plasma gasificaiton waste management that is the latest and most effective way for solving special hazxardous waste like medical or petrochemical wastes.

Plasma gasification system is most effective gasification system according to produced sygans for producing electricity, methan gas or steam beside its higehst level of environment friendly residual gases.

AFV plasma Division is able to evaluate , offer and acomplish your plasma gasificaiotn plant in 8 steps include of;’ conceptual analysis, piolot analysis, Feasibility study, engineering design, commisioning, starting up, maintenance  and development.

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