Solar Zoka Neero Energy Group

Address:132 Somayeh Street, Suite 92. Tehran-Iran 1581873975

TEL.      +98 21 888 66240

Email.   Solarzoka@gmail.com ,  www.Solarzokaneero.com

Ability :Renewable energies , Photovoltaic power plants

Solar Zoka Neero offers strategic technical and financial guidance to individuals, companies, and governments in order to facilitate their transition to renewable energy. We handle every aspect of solar power installations, including assistance in financing, technology evaluation, engineering and design, construction EPC, monitoring, maintenance, and ongoing support to ensure the highest possible return on investment.Here in Iran, Solar Zoka Neero has attended (2015, 2016) 7th and 8th Annual International Renewable Energy Conventions as our employees and staff have attended Inter Solar conventions and summits in Munich/Germany, San Francisco/USA and first Inter Solar Summit in Tehran. Although Iran’s solar industry has had a slow start due to lack of investor interest and banking issues Solar Zoka Neero has been active in small scale Off Grid systems design, production and sale. Most systems has been purchased by customers living in rural area of the country and some out of town villas.Our engineering team has been involved with below;

  • Designed and domestically manufactured solar structure rails and hardware to reduce overall cost of solar system installation and help local economy and job creation.
  • Design and production of solar system package Kits on and off grid in

Assisting Iranian National Standards Organization stablishing Iranian photovoltaic standards.

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