Skan electronic Company


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Ability: Modular  Wind turbine

In the manufacture of wind turbines due to its large one-piece turbine structures should be used for rudimentary manufacturing Its principles or be used to build large formats or be used to CNC machines Which requires a very large machine,that its not Affordable; In the meantime if you need for surge or The changes in size You must replace the entire turbine, But made turbines  because of being multicomponent is Exclusive and This allows the user to for Power Increase any size needs to be added the length And the cost of building savings. Another problem is with wind turbines the loud voice and too much noise

Which makes it less users are encouraged to use it. The turbine model has overcome this problem because of the low noise and low vibration. Due to the increasing use of new energies in Household consumption and The availability of wind power One of the most economical methods of energy production .The turbine could well become available and Convert wind energy into electricity.This model of turbines because of their particular shape has other features:

  1. The ability to install at low altitude(60 cm from the roof)
  2. Environmental Protection. because of The apparent one-piece structure and be Visible for Birds and bats.
  3. The turbine not requires to mechanical system for circulation in wind direction When the wind starts to move in any direction.

Finally its beauty is good for use in cities

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